Well, the holidays have been wild, busy, full of travel, new places, new faces, and lots of fun times and little sleep.
Yesterday morning I woke up with a scratchy throat and thought, “Oh NOOO, I’m getting a cold”. You know that feeling. The lack of sleep and air travel must have caught up to me.
I haven’t had a cold in 42 months and I don’t want to ruin that cold-free streak plus I just don’t want to be hampered with a cold.
So…I went to the sink and washed off my StayWell Copper Roller with some soap and water.
This may gross some of you out, but it worked and that’s all that mattered to me. I sucked on my Copper Roller as I worked at my desk. I did this on and off during the day.
StayWell Copper has a halo effect that means it may kill 70% of bacteria within a 16″ radius. So I was going to keep my battle against bacteria going all night long. As I went to bed, I put a large Phone Patch on my pillowcase right by where I would be breathing as I slept last night…and
Drum roll, please…
I woke up feeling great. No feeling I was getting a cold remained. No scratchy throat. I used no CHEMICALS. I used NO DRUGS…I just used the natural pure bacteria-killing power of StayWell Copper to keep myself healthy.
I LOVE my StayWell Copper. And I love that I am 42 months and counting up with NO Cold!!