science proves it!

All Natural

StayWell Copper is Powerful

Permanent Destruction of

99.99% of Harmful Bacteria

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StayWell® Copper

Helps your hands stay free from the nasty bacteria living on your phone – the dirtiest thing you touch constantly.

StayWell® Copper is a 100% natural way to kill harmful bacteria, adding an extra layer of protection, helping you stay healthy and giving you peace of mind.

We provide fast shipping globally. Orders ship within 24 hours of receipt.

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Does copper eliminate bad bacteria on contact?

Does copper eliminate bad bacteria on contact?

St StayWell® Copper Phone Patch It's Always With You On The Go! - Wherever your phone goes (Which is everywhere!) your copper Phone Patch will go with you and sanitize your hands every ti...
Rusty Hand Sanitizer Station - Chemicals eat through metal - imagine what they do to your skin

The Unseen Dangers of Hand Sanitizers: A Closer Look at Skin Irritation

  Hand sanitizers have become an essential part of daily hygiene routines, especially in the midst of a global pandemic. However, some individuals may experience skin irritation as a result of freq...
Copper Phone Patch

Elevate Your Health and Dedication to the Environment

In a world where health and hygiene have taken center stage, StayWell® Copper presents an opportunity to combine both while protecting the environment. Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. How can we effectivel...

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Copper's Ancient Secret Revealed