Innovative Copper Products for Germ Prevention: A Game-Changer in Health and Hygiene

Innovative Copper Products for Germ Prevention: A Game-Changer in Health and Hygiene

As we navigate through a world increasingly focused on health and safety, the search for effective germ prevention solutions has never been more crucial. While traditional cleaning products and san...
The Benefits of Using Copper in Everyday Products: A Superior Alternative to Harmful Chemicals
all natural protection

The Benefits of Using Copper in Everyday Products: A Superior Alternative to Harmful Chemicals

In today’s world, we're increasingly aware of the potential dangers lurking in our everyday products. From cleaning supplies to personal care items, many contain harmful chemicals that can have adv...
How Copper Kills Germs: The Science Explained
all natural

How Copper Kills Germs: The Science Explained

In a world where harmful chemicals often dominate the conversation about disinfection, copper emerges as a natural, effective alternative. Let's explore the science behind how copper kills germ...
The History of Copper as an Antimicrobial Agent

The History of Copper as an Antimicrobial Agent

Copper has a fascinating history, stretching back thousands of years, where its antimicrobial properties were harnessed long before the advent of modern science. As we look for safer, more natural ...
Does copper eliminate bad bacteria on contact?
60% alcohol

Le cuivre est-il mauvais pour les bactéries au contact ?

L’acier inoxydable semble hygiénique, mais en réalité, les germes peuvent vivre sur l’acier inoxydable pendant des semaines. Le contact avec StayWell Copper provoque la rupture de la membrane ce...
Rusty Hand Sanitizer Station - Chemicals eat through metal - imagine what they do to your skin

The Unseen Dangers of Hand Sanitizers: A Closer Look at Skin Irritation

  Hand sanitizers have become an essential part of daily hygiene routines, especially in the midst of a global pandemic. However, some individuals may experience skin irritation as a result of freq...
Copper Phone Patch
copper phone patches

Améliorez votre santé et votre patriotisme avec les patchs téléphoniques en cuivre fabriqués aux États-Unis

Dans un monde où la santé et l'hygiène occupent une place centrale, StayWell® Copper offre l'opportunité de combiner les deux avec une touche de patriotisme. Nos produits ne sont pas que des access...
image showing 3 ladies wearing masks in the history of pandemics

L'histoire des pandémies

La pandémie la plus meurtrière de l’histoire a été la peste noire (également connue sous le nom de peste), qui a tué environ 75 à 200 millions de personnes au 14e siècle. La grippe espagno...
Hand holding StayWell Roller showing the invisible power of copper.
all natural

Le pouvoir invisible du cuivre

Le cuivre antimicrobien a un pouvoir invisible et des articles de magazines récents parlent du pouvoir destructeur de germes du cuivre. Chaque semaine, il semble que de nouveaux titres parlent...