The Benefits of Using Copper in Everyday Products: A Superior Alternative to Harmful Chemicals
all natural protection

The Benefits of Using Copper in Everyday Products: A Superior Alternative to Harmful Chemicals

In today’s world, we're increasingly aware of the potential dangers lurking in our everyday products. From cleaning supplies to personal care items, many contain harmful chemicals that can have adv...
How Copper Kills Germs: The Science Explained
all natural

How Copper Kills Germs: The Science Explained

In a world where harmful chemicals often dominate the conversation about disinfection, copper emerges as a natural, effective alternative. Let's explore the science behind how copper kills germ...
Hand holding StayWell Roller showing the invisible power of copper.
all natural

Le pouvoir invisible du cuivre

Le cuivre antimicrobien a un pouvoir invisible et des articles de magazines récents parlent du pouvoir destructeur de germes du cuivre. Chaque semaine, il semble que de nouveaux titres parlent...
images showing that germs thrive on your hands
antimicrobial copper

Où se développent les bactéries nocives ?

Partout où vous regardez, partout où vous allez, il y a des bactéries nocives. Des milliards et des milliards. Les bactéries sont de minuscules organismes qui vivent tout autour de nous, dans...